输入产品的最大热传递通过加热整个容器区域和搅拌器来实现。 另外一个优势是在干燥器内形成精细的产品粉末,加速热传递,从而加快干燥。 通过在搅拌器系统内安装一个固定定子,可进一步减小产品粒度。
搅拌器和切碎机的液压驱动确保持续的高扭矩,甚至在较低的转速下。 因此,干燥器可填充总容积的 20-90%,同时保持最佳的搅拌、混合和干燥性能。 借助这种高柔性,可对容量截然不同的批次及物理特性大相径庭的产品进行干燥。 无论是否有悬浮液、溶液或水分过滤产品,可轻松克服需要搅拌器和切碎机施加更多动力的团块过渡阶段。

使用切碎机/定子组合进行湿切或干切后,可能无需进一步的磨削或过筛步骤。 湿磨减少了产品上的热应变。此外,通常通过合适的粒度分布,实现良好的磨削效果。 对于对高剪切搅拌敏感的产品,可快速、便捷地拆下切碎机。

Controlled product temperature and no crust formation
Agitator to wall clearance prevents crust formation and product overheating
The special construction of the agitator (results in a typical wall clearance of 2-5 mm) therefore the entire interior surface of the dryer is evenly coated. Crust formation is therefore absolutely minimised and heat is applied evenly to the product during the entire drying process. Since the agitator is supported at both ends of the shaft, it results smaller wall clearances than those in spherical and pan dryers can be achieved whilst maintaining the very high agitator torque!