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Bromine Production Plants at NIRMA in India

15 April 2019
NIRMA Ltd in India is successfully operating their second Bromine Production Plant

NIRMA Ltd has been reliably operating a Bromine Plant supplied by De Dietrich Process Systems since 2016. Due to the increased demand for bromine and the full satisfaction with the performance of the existing plant NIRMA has meanwhile put into operation directly beside the first one a second identical unit from De Dietrich Process Systems for the production of again 10T/D .


Second Bromine Production Plant at NIRMA
First (left) and second (right) DDPS bromine production plant at NIRMA

At their Soda Ash Plant at Bhavnagar NIRMA Ltd. is operating one of the biggest salt works in India on almost 30.000 acres to produce more than 2MT/Y of salts. This is also the site where bromine is recovered from sea water being concentrated in solar evaporation ponds. The multi-pond system permits a controlled separation of the different ingredients providing products of higher quality.


Evaporation Ponds at NIRMA Bhavnagar
Solar evaporation ponds at NIRMA

Equipment made of borosilicate glass 3.3 and glass-lined steel are ideal materials due to their high corrosion resistance even at elevated temperatures. These characteristics permit the hot QVF® bromine recovery process which provides highest bromine yields.


Glass columns and piping of a bromine recovery plant
QVF® glass column and piping in the bromine purification system

NIRMA's order of exactly the same plant a second time is a clear sign of their statisfaction with this solution. Such a sustainable cooperation does of course not only rely on optimum process and equipment performence but also on reliable project management and top after sales service.


Glass-lined column for the bromine recovery art NIRMA
De Dietrich® glass-lined column for the oxidation of the bromides
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